• Protecting Your Eyes

    Of our five senses, humans rely on vision most strongly. Our everyday experience of the world is colored by our ability to see, our memory draws heavily upon visual information, and many activities of daily living are challenging without sight. As a result, it is essential to protect your eyes from damage.

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  • How to Make Your Child's First Visit to the Optometrist a Success

    Worried that your child may be uncooperative during his or her first visit to the optometrist? These tips will help make the visit a positive experience.

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  • Makeup Tips for Sensitive Eyes

    Do your cosmetics make your eyes water and burn? Try these makeup tips for sensitive eyes.

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  • Does Outside Playtime Improve Children's Eyesight?

    Have you ever wondered why some people become nearsighted? Lack of time in the sun may be to blame.

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  • Proper Contact Lens Care Keeps Your Lenses Comfortable and Clean

    Do you follow care recommendations for your contact lenses? If not, you may putting your vision at risk.

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  • What Happens When You Don't Wear Sunglasses?

    Have you lost your sunglasses again? Failing to wear the glasses consistently may lead to several eye conditions.

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  • Premature Babies and Vision Problems

    Prematurity can cause a range of vision problems. Fortunately, optometrists offer a range of treatments and devices that can improve your child's ability to see.

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  • What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health?

    Subtle changes in your eyes may be the first signs of a health problem.

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  • All About Amblyopia

    Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, is a visual disorder caused by abnormal vision development, often occurring during infancy. Patients with amblyopia have reduced vision in one eye, because it is not working properly in conjunction with the brain. With early detection and proper treatment, loss of

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  • Binocular Vision: Disorders and Treatment

    For many, the term binocular vision conjures images of super powers or the rare ability to spot objects far away, but having binocular vision simply means having two eyes with which to see. Binocular vision does lend creatures with two eyes advantages over those with only one, such as enhanced vision,

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  • Strabismus

    Strabismus is the medical term for the misalignment of the eyes. Commonly referred to as cross-eyed or wall-eyed, strabismus may involve either one or both eyes turning inward, outward or even up or down. It is one of the most common vision conditions in young children, affecting somewhere between 2

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  • What Is Astigmatism?

    Astigmatism is an extremely common eye condition that affects both children and adults. It occurs when there is an imperfection in some part of your cornea, the clear tissue that covers your iris. Light rays pass through the cornea as they travel to the retina, a thin layer of cells at the back of your

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  • Getting Used to Contacts

    Contacts are a smart choice for individuals who are active and dislike the feeling of wearing glasses. However, the process of caring for contacts and getting used to them can take a week or two. Navigate the transition with ease by learning how to properly care for contacts and becoming familiar with

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  • Are Specialty Contacts Dangerous?

    Specialty contact lenses are a fun way to change your eyes to look like your favorite entertainer or to create a spectacular costume. Specialty contacts, sometimes called decorative, fashion or theater contact lenses, temporarily change the look of your eyes without correcting your vision. Eye care professionals

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  • What to Expect During a Routine Eye Exam

    Routine eye exams are straightforward, quick and painless. Most doctors recommend screening your vision on an annual basis to ensure your vision prescription is up to date (or to determine you need one) and to make sure your eyes are healthy. Regular eye exams are the first line of defense against eye

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  • The Science Behind Perfect Eyesight

    It's easy to take vision for granted when the eyes perform flawlessly. However, when eye problems crop up, it's hard not to wonder how the eyes work. In a properly functioning eye, a number of elements must cooperate perfectly to create good vision; just one malfunctioning factor in this instantaneous

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